Pomfret Yellow Sauce Recipe

Ingredients :
  • 1 kg pomfret fish
  • 1 pc orange juice, take the water
  • 2 seeded red chilli, slice small
  • 1 pc carrot, chop up small
  • 1 pc cucumbers, slice small
  • 2 crushed stalk lemongrass
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 50 ml water
  • Cooking oil to taste
Spices of Pomfret Yellow Sauce Recipe (Blend) :
  • 7 grain pecan
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 vertebra turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon salt
Directions of Pomfret Yellow Sauce Recipe :
  1. Clean the pomfret fish, remove its scales and droppings, wash and then coat with lime juice.
  2. Fry pomfret fish until cooked and dried, remove and set aside.
  3. Saute the blended spices until cooked and fragrant, then insert the fried fish with sliced, red peppers, carrots, cucumber, lemongrass, and sugar.
  4. Add water and cook until spices are well blended and carrots are cooked, then lift.
The Pomfret Yellow Sauce is ready to be served.

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