Cap Cay Seafood Recipe.

Ingredients :
  • 1 pc carrot, cut into oblique.
  • 2 pieces of cabbage, cut into large squares
  • 10 sheets capri
  • 5 pcs baby corn, cut oblique.
  • 2 stalk green onion, cut into oblique.
  • 5 pcs fish ball, split 2.
  • 6 pcs shrimp, split back
  • 1 pc squid, cut into the box and create streaks
Seasonings :
  • 3 cloves crushed garlic
  • 2 tablespoons soy salt
  • 1 sdm oyster sauce
  • 300 cc water
  • 1 tbsp corn starch
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Sugar to taste
Directions of Cap Cay Seafood Recipe :
  1. Saute garlic until yellowish, insert the shrimps and squids, stir until both shrimp and squid change color.
  2. Insert the meatballs, cabbage, carrot, baby corn, and the all seasonings.
  3. Give water, cover the pan for about 3-4 minutes, stir until all are cooked and thicken with corn starch water.
The cap cay seafood is ready to be served.

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