Bali Satay Recipe

Ingredients :
  • 350 gr beef
  • 1/2 coconut
  • 3 pieces of garlic
  • 4 pieces of red chili peppers
  • 1 spoon brown sugar
  • 10 gram corriander
  • 10 gram kencur
  • 1 lime
  • 1 galangal leaf
  • 1 teaspoon shrimp paste
  • salt and pepper
Directions :
  1. Shred beef, shred coconut. (
  2. Slice garlic and brown it.
  3. Heat shrimp paste a little bit
  4. Get lime juice
  5. Mix garlic, chili pepper, brown sugar, corriander, kencur, galanga, shrimp paste with a blender
  6. Mix evenly with beef and coconut and the spice mix above add salt, pepper, and orange juice
  7. Form thumb-sized pieces from this mix, and stick each on a skewer
  8. Barbecue until done

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